In early January 2021, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed the installation of metal detectors at critical entrances to the U.S. Capitol and House Chamber. It is just one of the measures Pelosi recently instituted for the increased safety of House members. While the motion may seem like a historic first, The Washington Post notes such security measures are the norm in European countries and around the world.
"Metal detectors and other such security features are standard in many of the world’s government buildings," The Post writes. Governments that do not yet have these protections in place, like New Zealand Parliament, have revealed that they are reviewing security practices and are open to making necessary and prudent changes.
Government buildings are not the only institutions embracing tightened security measures, like metal detectors, security x ray machines, and infrared temperature scanners. Learn more about this essential equipment and its widespread use in the U.S. and across the globe.
Metal Detectors in Government Buildings
Every day, as many as one million government workers step inside government buildings. Millions of people, including children, visit these buildings to take part in legal ceremonies, complete and file legal paperwork, and take part in legal formalities. The Department of Justice is responsible for ensuring the security of federal courts other than the Supreme Court and House of Representatives.
Currently, the use of metal detectors and other security scanners in high-risk government buildings is not only acceptable, but it is also the norm. According to the United States General Accounting Office (GAO), "Among the minimum standards for buildings of a higher risk level specified by the Justice report are security technologies, including closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance cameras, intrusion detection systems with central monitoring capability, and metal detectors and x-ray machines to screen people and their belongings at entrances to federal buildings."
Tightened Security at Schools
Right now, metal detectors, security x ray machines, and other security scanners are most popular in schools in urban locations and heavily populated areas. For example, all public middle schools and high schools in the District of Columbia (D.C.) use metal detectors and security x ray machines daily. Daily screenings root out dangerous items, like pepper spray, mace, and knives. The equipment is capable of detecting other weapons, like guns and firearms as well; however, thankfully, those items are rarely confiscated from students.
Metal detectors and other security equipment serve several purposes. Not only does the equipment do what it's designed to do, but it also gives administrators, faculty, and students peace of mind following traumatic events across the nation. The National School Safety and Security Services recommends pairing these fixtures with qualified mental health workers, like counselors, psychologists, and social workers. Mental health workers can help address the root of violence and possibly even de-escalate violence in the moment.
What About Hospitals and Medical Buildings?
Unfortunately, hospitals and medical buildings are vulnerable to security threats, just like government buildings, middle schools, high schools, and higher learning institutions. For example, in July 2016, two people died after a shooting in a Brevard County hospital in Florida.
Metal detectors and security x ray machines can go a long way to curb these threats. Since the implementation of metal detectors in just four Florida hospitals, more than 100,000 weapons have been detected and safely confiscated. Likewise, hospitals and medical buildings nationwide stand to see similar results with the installation of new security technologies.
Metal detectors and security equipment provide one very important thing: peace of mind. As security concerns increase in the U.S. and all over the world, responsible security measures and reliable security equipment can help.
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