When it comes to metal detectors for any kind of business, you're investing in security. The biggest benefit of investing in metal detectors is keeping your business safe from harm and from loss. Here are three more things you should know about metal detectors for businesses.
Metal detectors, as the name suggests, can detect metal. Let's review how this is accomplished. Metal detectors work the way they do because of something called a pulse induction system. In this system, a wire coil is placed on each side of a metal detector. Each coil creates its own magnetic field. And whenever a piece of metal passes through the space between these magnetic fields, they will react. This reaction causes a trigger that trips the metal detector's alarm and notifies security. Thanks to this ingenious and relatively simple system, business owners can make sure their property remains safe.
Thanks to their impressive use of magnetic fields, metal detectors for hospitals and other businesses can uncover almost any kind of metal object. This includes weapons like guns, knives, and even explosives. Of course, there are much less dangerous items that can be detected, as well. For instance, coins, watches, and even cell phones can cause an alarm to go off. It may seem annoying when you need to remove loose change from your pocket, but this technology keeps more dangerous items from harming people, as well. In most cases, you'll be asked to remove any metal objects from your person before moving through the detectors' threshold.
Whether you're looking at businesses or metal detectors in hospitals, the truth is that there are countless benefits. We covered the biggest benefit earlier: safety. Keeping the inhabitants of businesses or hospitals safe is priority number one. Even 10% of schools are using metal detectors to keep students safe. Having these devices on your property also sends a message of safety and security to anyone who enters. They know you're taking precautions for their health when they see a metal detector.
All in all, it's important to keep your business and the people who work there safe from harm. Metal detectors can help you do just that. If you have questions or you're ready to invest in a metal detector for your business, contact our team at Yates Enterprises today.
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